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28 January 2005

puppy wiki updated

I spent a bit of time updating the puppy wiki at

New users and particularly users with limited or no Linux experience, should now be able to follow fairly detailed steps, showing them how to achieve a number of tasks. These tasks range from simple things, such as changing security permissions on files, to enabling large file support, mounting networked drives, enabling secure shell and even simple scripting for doing batch uploads of .tgd files containing EPG data.

Even if you have been using the NSLU2 with puppy for a while now, I would suggest having a look at the wiki, just in case there is some new information.

As always, user contributions are welcome and encouraged. Just click the edit button present at the top/bottom of each page and add your bit. If unsure, feel free to discuss the matter at the Topfield Australia Forums in this thread.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is it possible to use your software to make a PVR5000 ready for ethernet?